Fotofilm 2. Uluslararası Kısa Film festivali ödüller sahiplerini buldu
Fotofilm 2th International Short Film Festival Awards

Festivalin en iyi filmi / Best movie of the festival
Wıld Cherry / Best Short film / Yoshi Kuremura

National Short Film
Arazi / The Land / National Short / Burhan Hatinoğlu / Turkey

National Student Short Film
Midnight / Minuit / National Student Short / Jérémie Lascar 

National Documentary, Short Film
Kapın Her Çalındıkça / The lutist / National Documentary Short / Yavuz Üçer / Turkey

International Best Super Short film
Daddy’s Shoes / Best Super Short / Naomi Amarger / France

International Best First Short film
Zero / Best First Short film / Clare Louise Frost / United States

International Best Student Short Film
Suono / Best Student Short / Laurd Milian / United States

International Best First Student Short Film
The Golden Apple / Best First Student Short / Deniz Berberoğlu / United Kingdom

International Best Documentary Short Film
Garage Romantic / Best Documentary Short / Dan Sadgrove / New Zealand

International Best First Documentary Short Film
Before I die / Best First Documentary Short / Nakul Dev / India

International Best Short film
Wıld Cherry / Best Short film / Yoshi Kuremura / Japan

International Best first Animation Short Film
The Dance in the Depth / Best first Animation Short Film / Karina Hananeia / Israel

International Best Animation Short Film
On / Off / Best Animation Short / Alessandro Squitti / Argentina

International Best Drama Short Film
Anagnorisis / Best Drama Short / Arturo Dueñas Herrero / Spain

International Best First Drama Short Film
The Bowl / Best First Drama Short / Emrah Güzelkokar / Turkey

International Best Experimental Short Film
Stone Eve / Best experimental Short Film / Isabelle Vorle / France

International Best First Experimental Short Film
The Hyperzoo / Best first experimental Short Film / Michele Giangrande / Italy

International Best First Comedy Short Film
The Last Goodbye / Best First Comedy Short Film / Tymoteusz Kutz / Poland

International Best Thriller Short Film
The Awakening / Best Thriller Short Film / Andrew Abbiw / United Kingdom

International Best Fantastic Short Film
The Feast / Best Fantastic Short Film / Jacob Jordan / United States

International Best Sci-Fi Short Film
New Light / Best Sci-Fi Short Film / Augie Escalera / United States

International Best Web serie
The Endless Sleepover / Best Web serie / Allegra Oxborough / United States